
Kentucky American Legion



Please contact Peggy Reese or Marlene Wyatt at Department Headquarters for website updates and changes.
Call (502) 587-1414 or email at:  kylegion@bellsouth.net
American Legion Riders

Today over 425 American Legion Riders programs, organized by chapters, districts, or departments, support Americanism and Children and Youth programs in virtually every state in the nation, and more are organizing each month.   Kentucky has 26 ALR Chapters.  American Legion Riders are one of the Fastest-Growing and most highly visible of the many programs offered by The American Legion, The American Legion Riders are a very diverse group, and so are the programs that they support. What do American Legion Riders do? The activities are far too many to mention in this space, but here are a few examples:



(Pictured Above)Rod Low American Legion Riders Chapter 124 Greensburg received their Charter. L-R: Director Kevin Ward, 124 Director Dwayne Stanbery, and Secretary Bonnie Stanbery.




American Legion Riders chapters and districts, nationally, have become some of the most generous donors for the American Legacy Scholarship Fund, raising as much as $5,000 or more in a single event.


Legion Riders participate in the annual POW/MIA Rally held each Memorial weekend in Washington D.C. known as "Rolling Thunder Legion Riders founded a national movement called “Patriot Guard”.


Remember: American Legion Riders are a very dedicated group of Legion Family members. When your Post sponsors a new Riders organization, you create a win/win situation for your post, district, and Department.

Please contact Peggy Reese or Marlene Wyatt at Department Headquarters for website updates and changes.
Call (502) 587-1414 or email at:  kylegion@bellsouth.net




ALR Officers

Chapter Contacts


Mailing Address for Chapter Dues, Officer Lists, and Post Rosters:

Jeanette Key, Treasurer            335 W 17 Street            Covington, KY 41014








American Legion            Rider of Honor Nomination Form






























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