
Kentucky American Legion




 Legion Baseball

American Legion Baseball has taught hundreds of thousands of young Americans the importance of sportsmanship, good health and active citizenship. The program is also a promoter of equality, making teammates out of young athletes regardless of their income levels or social standings. 


  Kentucky Boys State

The American Legion Boys State programs are among the most respected and selective; educational programs of government instruction for high school students. It is a participatory program where each participant becomes a part of the operation of his local, county and state government.  Students get to network with others across the State to include officials, staff, and other guests and alumni.  This program is a positive resume entry that can help with grants, scholarships, military scholarships, internships, and other competitive programs and college. For more information, please visit the website below:





Oratorical Contest

The Oratorical Contest presents participants with an academic speaking challenge that teaches important leadership qualities, the history of our nation's laws, the ability to think and speak clearly, and an understanding of the duties, responsibilities, rights and privileges of American citizenship.


   Kentucky Girls State

The American Legion Auxiliary Girls State is a nonpartisan program that teaches young women responsible citizenship and love for God and Country.  Since the inception of the Girls State progam in 1937, nearly one million young women have had the opportunity to learn first-hand how their state and local government works. 

